MTB Sports is a company founded by Trey Heath in 2007.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh, The Month of May

The past two days have been the closest to retirement that I think I will ever feel. Sunday was awesome in the fact that I got to spend it on the couch with my wife watching movies and shows. We had nothing we needed to do and made sure we did it well. Monday has been pretty close for me as well. It is a very weird thought to wake up and really have nothing pressing that must be done. I mean, there are things that must be done but the time frame is not as demanding as the day to day grind. If I am fortunate enough to one day have that freedom day in and day out I will make sure to relish those moments. Even though there is that freedom of schedule it is fleeting and many times not appreciated by those you surround yourself with since they do not share the same schedule. May in our house has many special moments on many days. The family has four birthdays, two anniversaries, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. There is also the start to the motocross nationals, some historically big NASCAR races, the INDY 500, the beginning of the European swing of F1, and the beginning to the other racing series summer schedules. Well, the last half of that schedule really only appeals to me but hey it is important to me. I am not a huge celebration guy but May is always a month that makes me reflect. With all the above things I always get to see how lucky I am. Throughout the years I have been fortunate to be surrounded by most of my family. I have not been through many of the same issues as others that I know. I get to celebrate birthdays of the matriarchs and patriarchs and live in close proximity of those who I have shared most of my successes and the failures as well. May is the month that just gives me pause for that small moment and allows me to say thanks to those around me. It sets me up for the rest of the year. May is my reset button. We all have our own reset buttons. Sometimes we are starting a new career, a new sport, a new path, or leaving a career we have known for years. Soon, my mom will be hitting her reset button but first there is some celebrating to do. Tomorrow is Mom’s birthday. This Sunday is Mother’s Day. She likes things nice and neat so she scheduled the two close together to cut down on the clutter. I always felt that it would suck to have your birthday and another big holiday close together. One of them is always going to get more play than the other. Mom has never worried about the lack of separation of the two days. She has led her life that way. She allowed my sister and me to have the spotlight for ourselves. As long as we did our best we couldn’t disappoint her. I have given her plenty of opportunities but she still stands by me. She has been a rock for my athletics since I can remember. There was a time that we chased the national BMX circuit. That meant racing locally 3 times a week and during nationals it meant many, many, many miles across the USA in a motor home hauling me and kids to races. I rarely won those races but I competed because she wouldn’t have had it any other way. Then there was the tennis life. For those who aren’t aware, tennis parents can be, let’s say, snotty. Well my mom was not but once again she demanded the best each and every time I stepped foot on the court. I had my share of successes and multiple failures but she was there in person as much as possible and always only a phone call away. She has taught me independence, persistence, and to love even when it may hurt. She has sometimes been over my shoulder when she didn’t need to be but if you aren’t looking you might not always know when you are needed. Remember the saying, “What do you buy the person who has everything?” This is my mom. She needs it she gets it. She doesn’t want the clutter. The best gift I can give her is to be successful and honor the way she raised me. She told me when I was 15 or 16 that I had a gift for teaching. At the time I was working with tiny tots on the tennis court. When I was older I attempted to carry that over into the real classroom. It was then I told her she was crazy and left teaching since I knew she couldn’t be right. Well as I approach my 40th birthday I have just finished my 7th year as a head tennis coach and a part-time professor at Florida Southern. Dammit, I guess she was right. She is wrapping up her career in the education world and it will conclude one month after her birthday. She will now have the free time that she has never allowed herself. Even if she doesn’t want it, she will have it. This could be a blessing or a curse (haha) for the rest of the family. We don’t deserve anything in life we earn it. Mom has earned this vacation. Wow, how cool to know that when you wake up in August you can just roll over and go back to bed. Maybe she can go have lunch with her sister, my sister, or even me. We can see each other and the only one who will talk about work is me. I live next door to my mother and still the phone is our closest communication. Time has never been our best ally. Mom, thank you for pushing me for all these years. Just because you will be slowing down don’t let the rest of us ease up. We wouldn’t know how to do it without your urging or maybe nagging, depending on the situation. You are greatly loved and amazingly cherished. Your birthday, Mother’s Day, and your impending completion of your work career are all moments that will be shared by family both real and acquired. Enjoy the celebration and the adulation that those around you are going to bestow upon you. You have earned that. Mom, I love you and wish you a very Happy Birthday.

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