MTB Sports is a company founded by Trey Heath in 2007.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just a slow day in BP

Today was the last day of school in Polk County which means I can actually start my summer vacation tomorrow. All kidding aside, since I have been off for awhile longer than Michelle and don’t always help with the daily duties and try to pick up the slack with regards to getting Brianna to and fro. Since today was the last day of school this also meant it was time for the awards ceremony and piano recital. Babson Park Elementary is a great school with wonderful support from the staff and the parents. Actually it may be too good. With all the third, fourth, and fifth grade classes, parents, and grandparents to match there just wasn’t enough room for all to get a seat in the cafeteria. Who would have thought that an elementary school awards ceremony could garner standing room only status? It is really cool to see all the kids get rewarded for their efforts throughout the year. There were many repeaters (term used by the superintendent to explain kids getting multiple rewards) and some kids who received special recognition for overcoming obstacles to succeed. The kids got to dress up and many took the opportunity to show their style. Parents snapped pictures and took video. Do we actually go back and watch the videos that we take or does it just make us look like good parents? Either way isn’t really important because it is the moment that matters. Brianna looked beautiful and seemed to have a great day. After the awards ceremony many parents checked their kids out and called it a year. Brianna would not leave and wanted to help her teacher clean up the room. I think my kid is weird. I am not sure where she got the service gene but I am proud of her for who she is and the year she had academically. As I said, theoretically I am on summer vacation which means I should be able to chill out and relax. Well, that is about as far from the truth as it gets. Once the ceremony was over I contacted Jason and he went with me while I ate a quick bite so we could discuss some plans we have for the upcoming race season. I hope to have an ambitious announcement in the next couple of weeks regarding a really cool racing opportunity. Lunch meeting over it was time to go workout as soon as I could get my food to settle. The workout was put on hold for a couple extra minutes as I received a phone call which required me to do a little research on another project before I could go pump some iron. Assignment complete and it was off to the gym. Thank goodness the workout today was intense but short. This concluded the second part of the day. I received a nice surprise when GGMa called and asked if she could pick up Brianna from school. This was a welcome request as it allowed me to get home and cooled off before we had to leave for our 3:30 meeting. This meeting was near where we live but has many moving parts and could be a cool thing if all goes well. Nonetheless, it is allowing me to get an idea of things that interest me which is what growth is all about. After the meeting was over we had about 20 minutes to get Brianna home and ready for the piano recital. Unbelievably we made it to the recital on time, actually with time to spare, and overall it was a great success. Seeing children learn one of the arts is very refreshing and watching them perform in front of the crowd is also a great growth experience for them. To wrap up the busy day all of the family that had gone to the recital met at Woody’s for a nice dinner and some good conversation. Man, what a day. I can honestly say sitting here tonight writing my thoughts is the first time I have enjoyed the comforts of my home in almost 24 hours. Yes, I was here today but only to change clothes, meet people to leave, and change clothes again. Some people don’t enjoy being this scattered but for some reason I embrace the opportunity to do so many different things. I cannot imagine actually sitting around on my vacation. I feel that I have an awesome existence. The workout today was short but intense. It was only for 8 minutes and consisted of 5 power cleans and then directly into 7 burpees. This cycle was repeated until the clock ran out of time. I completed 4 rounds and used 105lbs for the power cleans today. Doesn’t sound like much but continually pulling weight and those freaking burpees made today just as tough as other days.

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