MTB Sports is a company founded by Trey Heath in 2007.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bits and Pieces, Just not Enough

Today was day number four of the big bike rebuild. As days go it was quite a productive day. The engine went back together, the shock is remounted, the clutch and lever are all good, the subframe is back where it is supposed to be, and the bike is almost back to being a running machine. Almost back is the key phrase here. Today was about the joy and frustration of a project. After a nice lunch our hopes were high that we would run to the parts store, grab some fuel line, some needed fluids, and then go back to the shop (garage) and knock out the rest of the bike. The best laid plans are just that, plans. We got back and tinkered around with some odds and ends and we were ready to finish the tank assembly. This is where the problem came in. After poking, prodding, and possibly even cussing the realization hit that our grand plan of finishing the YZ today was not going to happen. This is where frustration comes into play. Honda has a commercial where all the people talk about wanting to ride. Well, I haven’t ridden in, I think, about one year. We are so close to being done but yet so far away. The parts have been ordered but now will not be here until Monday. The goal is within sight but the finish line just got a little further away. Enough about that sad story let me focus on customer service for a bit. What happened to it? Today I realized that people just really don’t give a damn or listen even when you are spending your hard earned money. My experience at the Chinese restaurant was the first example. When it is time to leave after eating why does it take 5 minutes for someone to come to the counter to take my money I owe? I think you should just be able to leave if no one shows up after 2 minutes. The second one was at the auto parts store. When you ask for something and pay but don’t receive the product why do I have to have another transaction to remedy their mistake? I shouldn’t have to. The salesperson should listen for what you ask for and also make sure that everything you ask for is present before you swipe your card. Just asinine that we have to put up with bad service. Thank God the economy is bad and people are begging for jobs because if it was good and everyone was employed and wasn’t worried about being replaced could you imagine how bad service would be. Lastly, I must brag on my awesome daughter. She has had an incredible year of school, has learned the importance of discipline, and also learned that the better you do the more you get. I love her and am very proud of her. No workout today, it’s late, busy day tomorrow revolving around horse’s teeth, and a beautiful family to keep happy. Keep those close to you happy and you can’t go wrong.

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