MTB Sports is a company founded by Trey Heath in 2007.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Enjoying the little things

For most people Monday is a drag since they had a nice weekend and the reality of work has hit them square in the head. To me Monday is a chance to hit the ground running, start the week off fresh and begin tackling the projects that lie ahead. After getting the Pod off to school the time had come to handle the domestic chores of a man who is off during the summer and whose wife isn’t off quite yet. Projects completed it was time to take on the workout that I knew was going to kick my butt. This workout was the longest one I have done to this point but I got it completed in just under two hours. Needing some food and running low on time I figured a run down to the local McDonald’s would get me some needed grub before I had to pick up Brianna from school. This was a great plan until while waiting in the drive-thru I realized I didn’t have my wallet. I didn’t have change, and I didn’t even have my secret stash of money. Oh well, now I am starving and I have to pick up Brianna in 10 minutes. I got Brianna and rushed back to the house so that she could practice before we went back to the school for her piano lesson. Still needing food I quickly made a four egg omelet with a glass of milk. That done it was time to get back to the school and listen to recital practice. After the lesson the day of running around was done. This leads me to the second part of the day. People appreciate the smallest of things. We are always looking for the big ticket item to make a good impression but there are times when just the tiniest of gestures does the trick. Today was one of those tiny days. Taking time to listen to Brianna practice piano let her know that I appreciate her effort to become better. There was the message from Michelle telling me to keep pushing while I was in the middle of my ass wrenching workout. There was the family dinner where we ate all the good food Michelle prepared. Michelle was preparing 80 bags of popcorn for her class party tomorrow. Brianna and I assisted while we listened to music. Just taking time to enjoy the small things really does make a difference. The last thing we did was work on that silly jig-saw puzzle again tonight. As a family we did nothing big today but it sure was fun just being together and enjoying all the little things we did. Today’s workout was extremely tough. It went as follows: 1 mile run followed by 100 pull ups, 200 pushups, and 300 squats followed by a 1 mile run. The exercises could be broken up however I needed them to be but the two runs must be done at the front and back. So here was how the day went. Pull ups: 55lbs assistance – 11, 7. 70lbs assistance – 9, 9. 85lbs assistance – 11, 9. 100lbs assistance –15, 10. 85lbs assistance – 13, 8. 102 total pull ups with assistance. Pushups: 15, 15, 11, 10, 10, 7, 10, 7, 12, 10, 4, 7, 7, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 8, 6, 7, and 4. 202 total pushups Squats: 50, 30, 30, 30, 40, 40, 40, 40. 300 total squats. Total time for the workout was 1:59:21.8. The hardest part was the pushups.

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