MTB Sports is a company founded by Trey Heath in 2007.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Who deserves help?

Today was a weird feeling day because it was the first Saturday in over a month where there wasn’t an overriding reason to be at the barn all day. This was a good thing and a bad thing as having the free time has allowed me to think a lot more about things that probably cannot be changed by my thoughts alone. The main thought that was running through my head was help. We all get help whether we want it or not. I am not political but I am sick of hearing about how you did it on your own and then how the other side says that without government you couldn’t accomplish anything. Come on people, we need government for some things and we also need hard working people able to use the skills and rules placed by government to go out and take the risks to go out on their own. Also, I understand that sometimes people need a hand to get back to their feet but I am a little worried that we have become a society that constantly looks for ways to give assistance without demanding that people at least give a damn and put forth some effort to help themselves. We love the way we feel when we help people. It is human nature. Altruistic measures are not necessarily for those that receive them but more normally to aid in our own self worth as the giver. Please do not misinterpret my thoughts as I feel that as humans it is important to help our fellow man, especially when they cannot do it themselves. My main problem is that most of the time I see people receiving help that will not go out make themselves helpful. Most of the time I am witnessing people who feel they are entitled to the help and when the help doesn’t come they complain instead of looking for a viable solution to their own problem. Help is a societal necessity but here in America so is working through bad times. We are also allowed to fail here. When we lose we have the ability to attempt it again. We are also allowed to look for help while we attempt to strive for better. It is not up to others to help us but for us to warrant the help that others offer.

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