MTB Sports is a company founded by Trey Heath in 2007.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Ready, set, go!

Today is Friday, August 03, 2012 and I realized that I had set a goal to write a post on here every day for a year and I failed. I am not going to quit and I am not going to make excuses, I just failed to accomplish what I had set out to do. That being said the past couple of days have been a great relief and have rejuvenated me to prepare for the upcoming year. Although Michelle and I missed doing the triathlon due to the barn we have committed to doing the Tough Mudder in December. I have probably already stated this but I will be racing the full FTR harescramble series this year. The first race has been postponed so I guess instead of starting at the end of August I will begin that journey in mid September. My wife and daughter would love to see me on a horse but I have some unfinished business on the tennis court. Since I am now forty I have decided to train again for the over 40 nationals and will achieve a national ranking before I hang up the rackets. My team at FSC is one of the reasons for this and I expect that they will push me in my goal as I will push them towards their goals. For a little update on how my world has been spinning here we go. We finished all the remodeling at H&W Stables and had our open house/grand opening last weekend. We even celebrated Michelle’s birthday during the opening. Michelle and I didn’t get to compete in the triathlon but we did get up early to assist with the jet ski and the lifeguards. It is pretty cool to go out to the barn and just hang out. We do have some upcoming projects but we have chosen to let some time pass before we begin to tackle the next steps. The next step for me is going back to my job at FSC to begin the next year. I snuck over this week and had a chance to view the new tennis facility. The only word that comes to mind is wow! The place is amazing and I feel honored to be the head coach. Our new facility is not the only progress happening on the campus. They have redone part of the men’s freshman dorms, they are completing the new campus green (our former facility), the gym lobby is getting a new makeover, the chapel is doubling in size, and the coffee bar located in the library has also doubled in size. From the comments I have gotten from the guys on the team they are ready to get started. As far as the family front is concerned we are all doing well and the ladies are gearing up for the upcoming school year. Michelle and I will celebrate our 12th anniversary on the August 12 and our little baby will become 10 on the August 17. Rather than be sad that my little girl is growing up I am excited to watch her become the girl she is becoming. The horseback season is nearing and I am sure that will take up much of her time and of course I will be there when my job with my team doesn’t conflict. That is what makes her so cool is that she wants me there for all of her events but understands that our life keeps us away at times. Then next month and into October make time at home a rarity for me. Between tennis tournaments with FSC, a race thrown in for me, and throw in a student athletic advisory committee weekend in early September and that means that I will sleep in my bed on weekends come sometime in October. I really do love the life I have chosen and cannot imagine it any other way. My goal is to get back to the normal writing schedule with great insight and true nonsense which I am really good at dishing out. Thanks to all those that have supported the family during this massive endeavor and be ready to be surprised by what my family is capable of and will accomplish over the next year. You have to want what you want as badly as you want to breathe and be ready to miss sleep when necessary. We love breathing and sleep has become a luxury so the rest of this will be a great journey.

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