MTB Sports is a company founded by Trey Heath in 2007.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm learning how to use my 24 hours

We are all busy. That is the phrase we have all said and the way we feel a lot of the time. For me, I always thought I was busy but once my new year, August 21, started I now know that I truly wasted a lot of valuable time. For most days I don’t even allow myself the time to check my social media pages and over the past week not even take the time to write a blog. The diversification of my day is what I find most interesting these days. I normally start at the barn where I do what you do to take care of the horses and the stable. Once that part is over I change clothes, freshen up a little, and then head to Lakeland to the FSC campus. After arriving at FSC I handle any paperwork that I might have and try to sneak in a little lunch in the cafeteria. That time period is the only one during the day where I kind of actually let my guard down and just enjoy the surrounding of the students and the occasional staff member who might join me for a quick bite. It is after lunch that the tennis part of the day begins. I try to get in my workout before I meet up with the team to put them through their paces for the day. Around 3:30 it is time to head down to the beautiful new tennis facility to get set up for the boys. Practice usually goes until roughly 6pm but there is no true ending time. Whenever practice is over it just means that within the next hour to hour and a half that I will hop back in the KIA and head to the house. It is always nice to make the 45 minute to 1 hour ride home as I have time to decompress and ready myself for the next day. Once I walk through the door and see Michelle and Brianna doing their nightly dance of homework, showers, and dinner I realize my family really only uses the house as a hotel room and not as a place where we want to be most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, we love our house but do not want any more because we enjoy the going more than the staying. Please don’t misconstrue what I have stated above. I truly love the life I lead and could not imagine it being any other way. Being able to work on two completely different things is just what I need to keep the fire burning inside my belly. Knowing that every day I must focus on my time and steal moments of solitude when I can has made me a much more disciplined person and made me choose what is important to me. If it cannot make me better in my pursuits it is pushed back and touched only when there is time or forgotten about all together. This may make me selfish but at this point in my life and career I am okay with that. Speaking of working hard you should see what the men’s tennis team is doing this year. They are like animals with their effort. The entire goal of the Fall was to take their comfort zones, throw them away, and make them understand how much more they had to give. Well, they are doing it and it is amazing to watch. Their discipline has made me even more disciplined and I will not let them down because they deserve my effort as well. We all say that we are going to make changes and then we realize how hard it is to do it and we revert back to our comfort zones because even though it doesn’t move us forward it is much easier than going through the pain of progress. I don’t have that option anymore so pain has become my friend and occasionally I even by him a beer.